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regina chen zhirong.
05 february 1989.
busm follower.
loves nature but hates insects.
loves music and wants all the songs.
loves outrageous fashion.
loves everything about duck.
bake muffins/cookies/cupcakes
hang out with dearest pals
do at least two charity work
go overseas with friends
participate in NIKE marathon
go picnic
fly kite
gpa 4.2

[bidina] [diane] [dawn] [emelin] [ethel] [guojie] [hiangsuan] [inez] [james] [jiahhuey] [joanne] [lydia] [mandy] [nathanael] [nathaniel] [noreen] [oliver] [rachel] [shangyunn] [sindhu] [teerapong] [tracy] [wenxiu] [wilson] [xuanhui] [yongyong] [zihui]


June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007
February 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
December 2009
January 2010

Basecodes | Images & Background Copyright S.R★ Productions.
© SpoiltRADI.O★


Saturday, January 09, 2010

this week has been very kind to me! i managed to meet up with joanne, nicole and andrew on separate days. still left with ethel and mandy =/ omg i'm so terribly sorry.. i'm pretty busy with the party stuff because there are only two weekends left for me to settle everything, especially when school is starting. finally painted the banner and it's absolutely g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s. the colours are exactly like what i imagined! X) and i still have to get more cups cause there're like a thousand people coming. you know i'm exaggerating.

the other day, joanne gave me the one and only christmas card for 2009 (though it's slightly overdue, haha.) i was quite sad that no one sent any cards to me this year ): i mean, i know everyone's busy and dont have time blahblahblah. but what happened to those who sent it every year? why suddenly no more? and it was really NO MORE. gosh, i felt sickened. but then, since really NO ONE sent a card to me, i thought maybe postman cock up or what la that's why couldnt deliver, LOL. but joanne's card filled up this emptiness immediately! because.. it was all hand-made! how cute was that. i could feel the intense sincerity and effort that went into making it. LOVE YOU, JOANNE <3!
btw i keep every single cards i have, so pls do keep them coming!

written at 19:04

Monday, January 04, 2010

ahh i feel glad that i did smth charitable today. uh well not towards the needy organisations but my very own busm (baitiangong universal spiritual movement). it's not exactly a religion because we dont go around forcing ppl to join us? we do try to encourage more ppl to come but it's very much your own choice and our ability to convince/persuade. it's not like, COME LISTEN BE GOD'S CHILD. anyways i donated the money for the malaysian side to buy a new minibus. the one that served us for the past decades is dying and can't be salvaged. so, since i have some spare cash on hand, why not help right? and they did help us with the building of the current religious hall before.

since i'm on this topic, i shall elaborate more on what busm is or about.

baitiangong means pray to the creator. not the jesus/virgin mary kind of thing. why is busm better? because for buddhist, you pray to idols. god should be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient - never located in one spot or one object. so why are ppl praying to clay? i really dont understand. you are merely channelling your energy to a thing which has human features. it's the same for christians and catholics. which explains why the jesus sculpture could cry blood. it is merely your energy input that allowed such so-called miracles to happen. then we have the muslims who pray only in one direction. i know i sound angsty but i'm not condemning any religion here. just giving an explanation as to why i chose to stay with busm. my personal reason.

what do i pray to and how do i pray? kneel down on the floor without shoes, palms pressed together and placed near the chest, face the sky without obstructed view, and you recite the prayer like any other religions. can also pray to god for health, good life, those kind of stuff. free creativity.

why am i always not free on sundays? because ima attend the weekly discussion from 2pm-6pm. for the first two hours we discuss about anything and everything - from recent news and how it relates to our spritual knowledge to unworldly encounters. then we have half an hour of meditation, which i fall asleep almost all the time. but those laojiaos can travel around soulfully and go heaven play with the animals. have been trying to attain that level but i think i concentrate so much until i knock out. afterwhich is reliving the half hour of adventure for those who were lucky enough to go to other dimensions + conclusions, if there are.

i sincerely believe that there is heaven and hell. maybe many ppl do too. but what is intriguing is that these two places, as far as they sound, are actually intertwined with earth. it's like having three worlds in one place but we cant see those 'ppl' from the other planet? which is why sometimes we feel negative forces around us when we are in a particular area.

like i said earlier, we have the malaysia and singapore sides. i'm not too sure how this happened, but i know that the late founder of the movement was from KL. he is THE DISCIPLE OF GOD AND THE DELIVERER OF ALL UNCLEAN SPIRITS (capping all letters just in case). which puts him in a higher postion than jesus and mohammad nabi because they are only MESSENGERS OF GOD. hard to digest i know. basically he came here to teach us the proper+costsaving+efficient way of praying, so as to save our souls (aka go to heaven) after we die instead of having to suffer in hell and get reincarnated again. who doesn't want to enjoy life? even after death.

http://www.praytothecreator.org/en/ (if you wanna know more, but i highly doubt you will. haha.)

and that kinda sums up what i want to say. ENJOY LIFE THOUGH IT SUCKS SOMETIMES. to me.. the hardest times are when i quarrel with duck and when exams are looming. i get really touchy and it gets to the point that i cannot even decipher myself. am still learning how to manage my emotions, since i dont hide any.

on a sidenote, i'm considering if i should trim my hair tmr cause it's getting too long and heavy. and if i should have a DUCK theme for birthday? (((:

written at 22:03

Sunday, January 03, 2010

one more week and school's gonna start.. half scared that it might be too tough to handle, and half happy that i can see my friends again! went to check out the student modules site aka edveNTUre and saw that the prof uploaded the entire set of notes including test papers and solutions. (SCREAMS OMGGGG.) there is gonna be the three laws of thermodynamics, free energy and chemical potential, chemical equilibria and phase equilibria. sounds simple? yeah pretty much. how about adding some differentiation and integration to that?

with a heavier workload i think i may be in greater need of a laptop this sem. but the next IT fair is 11-14 march, which is still two months away. hopefully the school computers will be cooperative enough. crosses fingers, and toes. meanwhile i've been considering hp, sony, compaq, fujitsu and macbook. will need some help in deciding on THE ONE cause i'm a complete tech idiot. basically i dont know which laptops are better in what area and which ones are more user friendly. i dont even have a freaking idea of what a ram is. except that gb is bigger than mb.

lastly the celebration of a happy new year was great! and i'm happy as long as there is company (: so, thanks to all who came down cause i had a whale of a time! i really wonder what makes the guys click tgt. retards+funny ppl+screaming boys+alcohol+random things around=crazy. oh yes.

am trying to perservere with the tuition thing for the money. it's the feeling of independence and having the choice to buy whatever i want with the money i earned. at least i feel comfortable using my own money. yupp. but i doubt i can entertain any more classes cause it's gonna be a busybee sem! it is good to be occupied.

written at 21:24

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

WHEE!!!!!!!! results ain't too bad afterall! thank God and Lady Luck. maintained standard even though some papers were darn crappy. but i think the profs marked leniently too, if not i would have gotten a few C's, haha. the release of results signals the start of a new sem! kinda excited and filled with ANXIETY. woooooooh. but my timetable sucks big time. got only a two-hour class on tue and thur. RAHH.

life doesn't seem too bleak now ((:

sherlock holmes is another worth-watching movie! go catch it before it's gone!

written at 00:31

Monday, December 28, 2009

avatar 3D: it didn't strike me like how alvin did. all i knew about the show was that there were blue people. no inkling about the storyline at all. but after hearing sooooo many people praise the movie, duck and i decided to watch it. we were pretty skeptical at first. haha. why 3d? because there are not many movies screened in 3d! well i didn't how 3d was 3d, thought it was the science centre omnitheatre type and i was so darn stressed out (due to motion sickness) that i had to laosai. all in all, avatar was definitely worth watching! made me wonder how greedy sometimes mankind can be and that maybe they should just die so that the earth can be a better place for those who really cherish it.

anyways this is gonna be a busybee week with lotsa fun! sherlock holmes and dinner with joanne nicole caleb tmr, alvin & chipettes and dinner/supper with emelin nathaniel on wed, tomyam steamboat and sentosa countdown on thurs! WOOTS I LOVE BEING OCCUPIED. coolbeans.

and not forgetting to cross fingers for results day on wed!

written at 20:17